Difficult Questions
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Difficult Questions: Are Women's Emotions Important?

Glen Dunzweiler explores the validity of emotions in our society. #Emotions #Society #Women

Difficult Questions: What Are The Rules To Laws?

Glen Dunzweiler explores what the Rule of Law is and how it can be chosen to be implemented. #Law #Rules #society #podcast #vodcast

Difficult Questions: What If You Lose Everything?

Glen Dunzweiler explores success strategies for people that have lost everything -both  in relation to themselves AND the society they live in. #Society #Poverty #Deva...

Difficult Questions: Is The Future Real?

Glen Dunzweiler explores the reality of the future people try to build for themselves during their lives. #Future #Society #Reality #Chaos #Stability

Difficult Questions: Can We Eat The Rich?

Glen Dunzweiler explores the reality of using violence against the wealthy to effect positive change. #Wealth #Violence #Rich #Insurance

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